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3 tháng 7 2021

1. I think they felt sad, sure. 4 emotions: sad, boring, alone, tired

2. They can't go out now, so they feel sad-> alone

2 sentences: ''Hi, I'm... Nice to meet you?''

''What to eat today?''

3. They should do exercise, messenger call, clean the house...

3 activities: listen to music, draw, cooking

I don't know who can understand my story haha

Name : Nguyễn Hoài Đức             Date : 3 \ 7 \ 2021


In recent years, modern families tend to be not closer anymore. In this essay, I am going to give reasons for explaining this unfortunate truth, and suggest what can be done for helping family members to have more time together. Nowadays, dealing with busy and pressure life, more and more people spend less time for their time, leads to the broken of family closeness. Adults usually work all day, from early morning to midnight, provide a route to behave too formally in family because of lacking of time being together.As an example, a typical family in a developed society just spend\(\dfrac{1}{15}\) of their time for family activities. Furthermore, in this competitive community, it is forced that people have to work as much as they can, making they too tired when return back home and just want to relax, not confiding or entertaining with their children. As a result, families are become more and more detached. However, there are some solutions for this problem, such as spend less time for working. A research pointed out that human often wasting time in office for chatting with colleagues or cleaning their inbox. If adults can use their time more wisely, they will save valuable time for being with family. In addition, aware the paramount of together time will motivate parents to be at home on time, which is benefit for educating children, according to an adviser. Altogether, adults should spend at least 2 hours for family per day to build up a happy household. In conclusion, there are many causes leads to standoffishness in modern family. Otherwise, if family members recognize and acknowledge the importance of closeness, they may spend a little bit of time in their busy life to being together.

Family is the core institution that glues a group of people together. But today, it seems that families are not as intimate as they were before. That is why, now it becomes the demand of time that we unveil the reasons lie in this unfortunate trend and explore the pragmatic solutions. In my point of view, multifaceted causes are liable for this fate, though there are always have remedies.

First of all, life becomes more complicated. The living standard and its cost have soared significantly. People have no option but increase their income to have better lifestyle. Consequently, they are extremely occupied in earning their daily breads. Even most of the cases, they have not any opportunity for spending their spare time with family members. Secondly, there is a tendency of feeling independent. That is to say, very often people think that they are able to handle all the things. They can fix their problem on their own way. Even when they fail to solve their problem, they lean on their friends instead of their families. As a result, there is less sharing among the family members.

The above discussed problems’ solution can be made through two ways. One effective solution can be organizing get together party and picnic with family. This would bring a change in the daily hectic schedule and at the time it also a fantastic opportunity for personal interaction which results in good family tie.  In addition, parents should be lenient and give space for their children to be more expressive. This will impart a strong bond between parents and children. This attitude leads the children to change their mind-set on who to turn to when troubled.

In conclusion, all I want to say that is we should make every effort that ensures a healthy and harmonious family relationship so that we can lead a better sound life. For that, if we employ the steps above outlined will reunite family members, I firmly believe.



1 tháng 7 2021

1: A ball is round

2: The table has four legs

3: My dog has white fur

4: A year has twelve months

5: I celebrate my birthday every year

1 tháng 7 2021

1. round

2. leg

3. fur

4. chocolate

5. months

6. year

29 tháng 6 2021

Because of the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Ministry of Education and Training has introduced a measure that is too familiar for students. The familiar online learning app for all students around the world is Zoom. But they are still not effective because it has 2 points positive and negative

. - Positive point :

+ Docile

+ Listen to what the teacher says

. + Pay attention to homework.

+ Convenient application.

- Extreme points:

+ When the exam day came, some students took advantage of online learning to copy answers on google, ...

+ While learning zoom , because of boredom , most of the children go to something else to watch or play online games .

* I hope you don't take advantage of it for negativity!

29 tháng 6 2021

during  my stay at home against covid -19 across the country .that ' s why we have online learning in our country .t find that online learning gives me a lot of usetal lessons and lessons like in school .in online lessons , teachers often record and post them on social net works , so i can study anytime , anywhere:


-2:introduce your name 

-3:age introduction

-4:introduce the peace to  stay

-5:education ,occupation


i hope  the covid -19  epidemic will be over so that i can  meet my friends and teaches at school

28 tháng 6 2021

Hi Hieu,

     My name is Linh. How are you? Are you having a good time? I hope so.

     Today, I would like to introduce you to some fascinating and interesting places for you to enjoy your holiday. You should go to Ha Long Bay in Quang Ninh. It has been named as the most beautiful landscape of Vietnam. There, you will experience a trip around the islands, enjoy delicious food, and discover new things. You can also visit Sword Lake. According to legend, once King Le Loi (Le Thai To) was walking on a boat, suddenly a golden turtle floated to the surface and demanded that the king return the mirror that Long Vuong lent him to fight against the Minh invaders. That was the birth of the name Sword Lake, or Hoan Kiem Lake. The story is really interesting, right, come to Sword Lake to admire it. And especially, you can visit Uncle Ho's mausoleum. That is where our dear Uncle Ho rests. This is a very sacred place, vagmf is also very meaningful for Vietnamese people. How do you feel about these great places, go visit them if you like

Hope you enjoy,


28 tháng 6 2021

Hi my tourist , My name is Hieu - i am your tourist guide . Because there is covid where I live, I will send this email to help you experience and visit Hanoi .

In Hn , i think today is a good day to visit famous place in HN . But before visit you guys have breakfast . And i would like to tell you about some delicious breakfast restaurant in HN such as :

+ Pho Bat Dan

+ Banh Cuon ba Hoanh

+ Mi van than Minh Anh

after had breakfast , you should go to   Temple of Literature: 

+ it is on Van Mieu street, Dong Da district

+ Temple of Literature was the fist national university in Vn

+ Temple of Literature is a place to honor VN's senior doctors and scholars

+ the fee  to visit Temple of Literature is 20,000VND for and aduilt and 10,000 VND for child .

then , if you want to visit more i think  Ho Hoan Kiem is another place to visit

+ the fee is free 

+ is located in the center of HN

+  is based on a story in the past. Do you know Le Loi, one of the famous generals of Vietnam? The story goes that when Le Loi was in the war against the aggressor, he received a gift from God. It was a magic golden sword. It had helped him defeat the enemy and become the King. After that, when he was taking a boat trip on this lake, a golden turtle came and asked him to give the sword back. Therefore, the lake was named “Hoan Kiem”. It means “Return the sword”. 

Hope you guys ejnoy and have a nice trip

P/S : you should wearing mask when go out the hotel !!

25 tháng 6 2021

Dear Nam,

I am very glad to hear you are well. Now I am studying very hard at school. I still remember 3 months ago, I was very bad at English, every test I did at school had low mark. I was very self-deprecating at that time. But since you helped me, my English has improved so much. You knew that I studied so bad but you didn't mind helping me. Now I can doing English test by myself and have high marks. I am very greatful to you. And in order to thank you for your help, I invite you to come to my house next week, I will take you to the restaurant and we will have a meal together.

Hope you to come. Thanks for your help



25 tháng 6 2021

Dear Lien Ai,

I am glad that you are well. But, I am quiet sad that we have been distant. Today, I'm writing this letter to you to thank you for helping me study literature. You're a very good student of literature, and I admire you for this, so I asked for your help. All of your lessons are very dedicated and detailed, thanks to that, I study Literature better, sincerely thank you,

Your best friend,


22 tháng 6 2021

I am a person who loves to eat, so I often go to restaurants to eat but there is one bad thing I always remember when I go to a restaurant that is not bringing enough money. It's a beautiful day as always. Whenever I have free time, I will stop by this particular restaurant to eat. The restaurant is very nice and the food is always delicious. Before eating, I usually make a reservation, I choose the most vip place and confidently choose the dish. While rummaging through the selection of dishes, I saw a new item that was very beautiful and genuine, but did not look at the price I chose. Who would have thought that later my friend came and I was the one to invite my friend to eat. The food arrived very nice and very fragrant. After a while after I had eaten, I paid the bill, who would have thought. A huge amount of money appeared before my eyes. I took out the money but only half of it. At that time my face was pale and very shy and behind me was a long line waiting. I told them that I didn't have enough money, I thought I would stay and wash the dishes, who would have thought that because I am a regular customer, I can let the next time pay. Luckily for me that time was returned or else I don't know what to do to pay them anymore. And from that meal, I learned the lesson that when I eat, I should save or I'll be happy or miserable.

23 tháng 6 2021

Last summer , I was allowed to eat lotus buffet by my uncle. At four hundred thousand a ticket , a price not cheap for ordinary people . It is so beautiful there is nothing more to say , attentive service staff , always smiling with guests . There is also a fountain with a lotus pond. It is the ideal place for us to have a delicious meal like mom's cooking. I eat very little seafood , yes , it is the food I hate from the sky to the bottom of the sea ( especially oysters ) . If it's seafood, I only eat two seafood dishes that I don't dislike, the only ones being octopus and squid fried with butter. I ate only sushi , adding some deep fried dishes and a few bowls of soup was enough . Choosing dessert , I ate a greasy cheesecake and reminded me of an indispensable summer dish , which is all flavors of ice cream .

19 tháng 6 2021

Nowadays, most students prefer to study practical subjects over their theoretical subjects, because they do not require much brainstorming. Therefore, there are some schools that have removed some theoretical subjects. I completely disagree. People often try to monetize their knowledge. Beside, the importance of theories cannot be underestimated because they are what help us to practice better. If theoretical subjects no longer exist, people will find it very difficult to expand their knowledge. It is important to invest in our scientific understanding of the universe, which means that we can also know the world, the outer universe. While practice is important, it helps us stay in tune. world, but the most important thing is not to give up on learning theory as it is the main source of scientific discoveries. If universities focus only on practical education, human intelligence will decrease. This is my own opinion, of course, it still has errors, please correct it.

19 tháng 6 2021

   More and more graduates are unemployed. What they learnt from theoretical subjects cannot help them find a job. An increasing number of people tend to learn practical subjects. So some people think those subjects should not be taught in universities. While others believe that those subjects should be included on the university’s curriculum due to students’ mental development. I quite agree with this opinion. Because most of the things we know in our life come from practice and experience. And many jobs now require experience, which we didn't study at schools and universities, so unemployment becomes more serious. So that, in order to be successful, it is more beneficial for them to graduate to a well-known school, for the fact that it has excellent educational system and therefore it will attract employers. Moreover, As the student population increases, universities will prosper and then, they will have greater chance of expanding and improving facilities and ways of teaching.

On the other hand, theoretical subjects play an important role in the future. They should be taught at school and universities so students can have enough knowledge about their career in the future. If we study only practical subjects, it is not enough for us to get a good job. It is believed that students who are molded with both subjects will certainly outbid those who graduated merely on vocational courses and will enjoy auspiciously the benefit of achievements and good remuneration. Students with both practice and theories can be more successful.

In conclusion, I both agree and disagree with the opinion. We should combined both practical and theoretical subjects to apply for the future. They are the key to success. This is my opinion, thank for reading!

17 tháng 6 2021

For a long time, television has been regarded as a saving means of entertainment and acquiring useful knowledge. However, besides the benefits mentioned above, it also brings a lot of harm because of the following reasons. First, watching TV takes up a lot of our time. I do not deny the benefits such as entertainment or education that it brings. However, instead of spending all the day just watching TV, we can do some useful works such as doing homework, helping mother to do housework. Through that, we can gather for ourselves a lot of soft skills and become closer to the other. Second, sitting too close to the TV screen will make harm affect on our health. Studies have shown that sitting near television will shorten our vision, in addition increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and degeneration of the neck vertebrae ... These are the disadvantages that no one expects. Therefore, let's limit the amount of time spending watching TV and save that time doing other useful things.


17 tháng 6 2021

In recent years, due to the strong development of new advanced technologies, children in big cities have a great opportunity to be exposed to it from an early age. So most people assume that there are broad and serious aspects not only to education, but also to children's development. In my opinion, TV has an impact on both

On the one hand, I agree that watching too much is harmful to children's education and psychological development. Firstly, compared to other activities, children spend too much time on TV, leading to lack of learning. As a result, their learning can be reduced, or worse, they can be expelled from school. Second, greater involvement in inappropriate planning is associated with a number of negative effects on psychological development such as violence, depression, and autism. In addition, sitting in front of the TV for a long time can cause many dangerous diseases, such as obesity or myopia. This brings not only an economic burden to their families, but also an economic burden to society.

On the other hand, there is some undeniable evidence demonstrating the widespread benefits of television. I think so because the amount of knowledge in the 21st century comes not only from school or home, but also from digital devices like television or the Internet. For example, children can use documentaries or reality TV shows to identify different soft skills, such as problem-solving, communication, or survival skills. In addition, according to some scientific reports on TV, children can expand their knowledge to develop physically and mentally, for example, "remember to drink at least 2 liters of water a day to promote metabolism. metabolism” or “be careful when going out at night. Because it is possible to encounter some evil activities of society " Collectively, it has been proven that regular parental guidance is very beneficial for children to watch TV to gain more useful knowledge. for yourself.

14 tháng 6 2021

 You did it wrong! You should write a paragraph of about 60 to 80 words, not list them out :v

14 tháng 6 2021

Ý này "Do not burn trees and do not kill trees " em nên viết thành " Do not cut down trees"