Giới thiệu về bản thân

Chào mừng bạn đến với trang cá nhân của TRẦN HỒNG ANH
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
xếp hạng Ngôi sao 1 ngôi sao 2 ngôi sao 1 Sao chiến thắng
(Thường được cập nhật sau 1 giờ!)

Some people like to live in the city, they like the noise, the bustle. But for me, I like an idyllic, rustic rural life. There is a large, airy space here, not many houses or means of transport like in the city. Therefore, the air is fresh and not polluted. The people in the countryside are very rustic, simple and friendly. People often care and help each other. Unlike in cities, most people had little communication with their neighbors. In the countryside, people often go to each other’s house to play and talk. The pace of life in the countryside is slower. The scene is very peaceful. The sound of chickens in the morning, the buffalos plowing the fields, the image of the setting sun setting behind bamboo canopy… All create a picture of a peaceful but unusually beautiful countryside. Rural food is very cheap. Food is mainly grown and sold by farmers, so it is very clean. I really enjoy life in the countryside. I love the simplicity, the people, the scenery here. And here I can live the life I dreamed of.

Vì △ ABD đều ⇒ DAB= 60

    △ACE đều ⇒ EAC = 60



Xét △ ABE và △ ADC có

AB= AD ( vì △ABD đều)

DAC=BAE (cmt)

AE= AC ( vì △ACE đều)

⇒ △ ABE =  △ADC ( c.g.c)

⇒BE = DC (2 cạnh tương ứng)

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