
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, orD to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. Before she left for Australia she promised her parents that she would drop them
at least once a month.
A. a note B. a word C. the news D. a line
2. I was all set to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute I and decided
to stay in Britain.
A. pulled my finger out B. got cold feet
C. held my horses D. called it a day
3. “What I’ve got to say to you now is strictly
publication,” said the government official to the reporter.
and most certainly not for
A. beside the point B. for the time being
C. by the way D. off the record
4. I’ve never enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my .
A. piece of cake B. chip off the old block
C. biscuit D. cup of tea
5. “What’s wrong with Tom today? He’s unusually quiet.” “He’s got something on
his . I expect.”
A. brain B. mind C. thoughts D. brow
6. He was wearing very shabby, dirty clothes and looked very .
A. easy-going B. down to earth
C. out of shape D. down at heel
7. Since he started his own business he has been making money hand over .
A. fist B. heel C. head D. palm
8. I can’t see us beating them at tennis this year - we’re so out of .
A. step B. practice C. fitness D. breath
9. I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been
to affect his health sooner or later.
for a long time. It was bound
A. having his cake and eating it B. burning the candle at both ends
C. playing with fire D. going to town
10. I just couldn’t remember her name even though it was on the of my tongue.
A. edge B. tip C. top D. front
Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. That’s exactly what I mean, Tom. You've !
A. put your foot in it B. killed two birds with one stone
C. put two and two together D. hit the nail on the head
2. “I’m going for an interview for a job this afternoon.” “Good luck! I’ll keep
my crossed for you.”
A. legs B. fingers C. arms D. hands
3. “If only I hadn’t lent him all that money!” '‘Well, you did, so it’s no good crying
over milk.”
A. spilt B. wasted C. sour D. goat’s
4. The car swerved to avoid a cyclist and just missed hitting a passer-by.by .
A. a slight edge B. a narrow escape
C. a close thing D. a hair’s breath
5. Well, well, if it isn’t Kathy Lewis! You’re a sight for _____eyes!
A. old B. blue C. sore D. crocodile
6. I know times have been bad lately, Peter, but keep your up; things
are bound to get better soon.
A. chin B. head C. socks D. mind
7. He may be shy now, but he’ll soon come out of his when he meets the right girl.
A. shoe B. shell C. shed D. hole
8. I’m afraid you’ve caught me on the
_____. I wasn’t expecting you until this
A. stove B. grapevine C. spot D. hop
9. Nagging Susan to stop smoking has no effect on her. It’s like water off _____
A. a windmill B. a duck’s back
C. a dripping tap D. an umbrella
10. Have you seen the new boss? She’s the image of Marilyn Monroe.
live B. true C. spitting D. same

22 tháng 6 2021

Để chỗ trống giúp với 

Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him...
Đọc tiếp
Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him up but I couldn’t get _____ : I think some of the lines are down after last night’s storm. 5.She talks so much that it is difficult to get _______ from her. 6.Get ______ the bus at Victoria Station. 7.How are you getting _________ your work ? 8.I’m not getting _______ very fast because I can only type with two fingers. 9.We got ______ late because we missed the last train. 10.Don’t worry about my snake. He can’t get _______ his box. 11.This rainy weather is really getting me ________. 12.It’s time you got _______ some serious work. It’s very important to you. 13.Thieves raided the bank and got ________ a lot of money. 14.My boy is getting _________ bad habits, such as smokin, staying up late.... 15.We got _______ immediately after the breakfast. Exercise 2. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GIVE Give away Give off Give over to Give up Give back Give out Give in Give oneself up 1.He won 100$ and gave it all ________. 2.Riding is getting too expensive: I’ll have to give it ________. 3.He gave _______all the books he had borrowed. 4.After 4 days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself _______ to local police. 5.Your secret is safe with me. I won’t give it ________. 6.The diver’s supply of oxygen gave __ and he had to be brought to the surface as quickly as possible 7.After his fourth attemp he gave _______ trying to pass the driving test. 8.If you want to save money, give _______ eating in expensive restaurants. 9.There was a man giving _______ leaflets outside the church. 10.She gave ______ state secret to the enemy. 11.Could you give me _______ my pen when you’ve finished using it? 12.Please give your exam papers ______ to the teacher when you’ve finished! 13.The cooker is giving _______ a funny smell. 14.This big hall is given ________ meeting. 15.She’s a gusty player : she never gives __________ Exercise 3. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GO Go away Go down with Go on Go out Go through with Go back on Go in for Go off Go round Go up Go down Go into Go over Go through Go with 1.The guard dog went ______ the intruder and knocked him down. 2.He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went _______ working. 3.I went ______ the proposal very carefully with my lawyer and finally decided to to accept his offer. 4.She went ______ a beauty contest and got a prize. 5.The price of tomatoes usually goes ________ in summer in England. 6.If there isn’t enough soup to go ________, just put some hot water in it. 7.You can’t go _______ your promise now: we are depending on you. 8.They have gone _______ all the calculations again but they still can’t find the mistake. 9.The gun went ______ by accident and wounded him in the leg. 10.Mary went ______ in such a hurry that she left her passport behind. 11.Why don’t you go _______ stamp collecting if you want a quiet hobby ? 12.Her weight went ______ to 70 kilos when she stopped playing tennis. 13.When did Britain go ________ EEC ? 14.Our youngest boy has gone __________ mumps! 15.Her blouse doesn’t go _______ her skirt. 16.Finally, I’ve gone ________ all my exams! 17.Which events is he going __________ at the Olympics? 18.The first episode of the film goes ________ next Friday evening at 8 o’clock. 19.There must be a party going _______ next door. They’re making so much noise! 20.The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went __________. Exercise 4. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HAND, GROW, HANG, JUMP Grow on Grow up Hand down Hang about Hang on to Jump at Grow out of Hand over Hand out Hang back Jump on 1.Most of my clothes were handed _____ to me by my older brother. 2.President Bush should hand ______ power to Iraqui elected government. 3.Relief workers were handing _______ emergency rations to the survivors. 4.My daughter is growing _______ very fast. She has grown _______ all her clothes. 5.This book is very interesting. I’m sure it will grow ________ you. 6.You should keep an eye on this stranger. He has been hanging _____ our neighbourhood for hours. 7.At first, he volunteered to help me, but on second thought he was afraid and hung ______. 8.I should hang ______ those oldphotographs–they may be valuable. 9.My maths teacher really used to jump _____ us when we got our answer wrong. 10.If they offered me a job in the USA, I’d jump _______ the chance. Exercise 5. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HOLD, KEEP Hold on Hold out Hold up Keep down Keep away Keep off Hold off Hold back Hold with Keep up with Keep back Keep up 1.“ What a terrible news!”, she just managed to hold _________ her anger. 2.I don’t hold _______ his view on education. 3.After the hold–_______, the gang made their getaway in a stolen car. 4.The survivors of the plane crash managed to hold _______ till help came. 5.Her illness is getting worse. Doctors hold ______ little hope of her recovery. 6.Could you hold ______ making decision until next week. I’m trying to find out the best solution. 7.She kept ______ working although she was very tired. 8.They lit a fire to keep wild animals __________. 9.The people in this country have been kept _______ for years by a brutal regime. 10.Keep your voices ________ : your mother is trying to get some sleep. 11.You’re all doing a spendid job. Keep _______ the good work. 12.Police warned by–standers to keep ________ from the blazing building. 13.I can’t keep ________ all the changes in computer technology. 14.She is a good secretary, but she is kept _______ by her ignorance of languages. 15.The country was in a state of rebellion and was only kept _______ by repressive measures. Exercise 6. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LAY, LEAVE, LET, LIVE Lay down Lay up Leave out Let off (with) Live on Lay out Leave off Let down Let out Live up to 1.There is a lot of beautiful jewellery laid _______ in the shop window. 2.You should lay _______ some money in the rainy days. 3.You didn’t have any right to lay _______ such hard rules. 4.My name has been misspelt–you’ve left _______ a letter. 5.I wish you’d leave ________ complaining about my cooking. 6.The boy’s getting so fat that his trousers have to be let _____ round the waist. 7.She was let _______ with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 8.He felt he really let the team ________ when he missed the penalty. 9.Don’t let these criminals ________ lightly. 10.As he’s retired, he now lives mainly _________ his pension. 11.My exam results didn’t live _________ my expectations, 12.You can’t live ________ 22 calories a day. Exercise 7. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LOOK 1.We are looking ____ you for your help. 2. We must look __ a bit before deciding where to buy a house 3. Police will be looking _ trouble–makers at today’s match. 4. Please look __ on me when you have free time 5.His disappearance is being looked _________ by the police. 6. Do look me __ the next time you’re in London. 6. Children always look _____ their parents. 8. She is looked __ as the leading authority on this subject 9.Who will look ______ the children while their mother is in hospital ? 10.We are so much looking __________ seeing you next week. 11.Look _______ the time of the next trainin the timetable. 12.He was looked _________ because of his humble background. 13.She looked _______ when she heard the noise behind her. 14.Tenants must look __________ the house before they decided to rent it. GIẢI NHANH MÌNH TICK CHO NHA
5 tháng 8 2019

chịu khó đăng lại bài xong tách ra đi dài quá

14 tháng 1 2021

Dài v

I. Write the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. How long have you been looking for____________? A. employee 2. To____________ photography professionally requires a lot of skills. A. do B. make C. commit 3. We made her an excellent offer, but she____________ it. A. turned B. rejected C. accepted B. employer C. employment D. employ D. carry D. denied 4. That old building is going to...
Đọc tiếp
I. Write the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. How long have you been looking for____________? A. employee 2. To____________ photography professionally requires a lot of skills. A. do B. make C. commit 3. We made her an excellent offer, but she____________ it. A. turned B. rejected C. accepted B. employer C. employment D. employ D. carry D. denied 4. That old building is going to be____________ and a new library will be built in its place. A. pushed off B. pulled down C. pushed in D. pulled through 5. You are not allowed to bring coffee into the examination room, ____________? A. do you B. aren’t you C. don’t you D. are you 6. When we met that day in Paris, I didn’t know that he was married____________ Barbara. A. with 7. This is____________ the most difficult job I have ever tackled. A. by far B. by the way C. by all means B. to C. in D. of D. by rights 8. ____________ about gene-related diseases has increased is welcome news. A. Scientific knowledge C. Through scientific knowledge B. It was scientific knowledge D. That scientific knowledge 9. Members of the rock group were asked to modify their behavior____________ leave the hotel. A. or else B. unless C. lest D. in case 10. He___________ to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead. A. should have gone C. needn’t have gone B. shouldn’t have gone D. must have gone 11. Richard has invited Ann to his study group tonight, but she has refused. What would Richard be most likely to say in response to Ann’s refusal? Ann: “I’m afraid I can’t go tonight. I’m just not in the mood for it!” Richard: “____________________!” A. Off you go B. You are out C. Suit yourself D. Good for you 12. ____________ to the Senate than he began to face some of the realities of being a U.S. senator. A. No sooner had Obama been elected C. No sooner had Obama elected B. No sooner Obama had been elected D. No sooner Obama had elected 13. Vietnam’s renowned rocker Tran Lap, ____________ died of cancer on 17 March 2016, will be honored with a posthumous medal for his contribution to the country’s music industry. A. that 14. ____________ his brother, Tom is active and friendly. A. Dislike B. Alike C. Unlike B. who C. whom D. whose D. Liking 15. Through generations, despite many____________, some Huong Canh families have successfully preserved their traditional job of clay pot and tile making. A. out and about 16. ____________ awful coffee she makes! A. What B. What a B. odds and ends C. ins and outs C. How a D. ups and downs D. How 17. I told them to keep quiet but they continued____________ a noise. A. to make B. making C. to do D. doing 18. We are going to stay with____________. A. a relative of we B. relative of us C. a relative of ours D. one of our relatives' 19. Regular exercise and good diet will bring____________ fitness and health. A. about B. up C. to D. from 20. Mike: “I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you!” Jane: “____________________” A. The same to you. B. Have a nice day! C. What a pity! D. What a lovely toy! Thanks.
Write your answers in the space provided. 1. It isn’t the funniest film I’ve ever seen. I would say it’s ___________ amusing at best. A. softly B. mildly C. modestly D. barely 2. When Rita was promoted to sales manager, she was ___________. A. over the hill B. up in the clouds C. over the moon D. in the seventh moon 3. My neighbor informed ___________ a large crack running down the outside wall of my house. It had apparently appeared during the night. A. me that there was B. to me that...
Đọc tiếp

Write your answers in the space provided.

1. It isn’t the funniest film I’ve ever seen. I would say it’s ___________ amusing at best.

A. softly B. mildly C. modestly D. barely

2. When Rita was promoted to sales manager, she was ___________.

A. over the hill B. up in the clouds

C. over the moon D. in the seventh moon

3. My neighbor informed ___________ a large crack running down the outside wall of my house. It had apparently appeared during the night.

A. me that there was B. to me that there was

C. me on there being D. to me of there being

4. The meeting ___________ place in the main hall, but it had to be cancelled.

A. will have taken B. would take

C. was to take D. is due to take

5. There are two supermarkets in the town but ___________ of them sells fresh fish.

A. none B. neither C. no one D. either

6. - “My mother is very good at cooking.” - “___________”

A. She must be very proud of it. B. How long has she been cooking?

C. Do you enjoy it? D. You must have good taste!

7. Finally, we had to ___________ to legal threats.

A. apply B. resort C. intend D. recur

8. ___________ the expression on his face, I’d say he wasn’t too pleased to see us. In fact, I’d say he was furious.

A. Judging by B. As for C. Provided with D. Seeing as

9. - Customer: “Could I have a refund?” - Salesperson: “___________”

A. No, thank you. B. Not at all.

C. No problem. Do you have the receipt? D. Never mind.

10. I bumped into Patrick at the supermarket. He was asking ___________ you.

A. by B. after C. on D. upon

11. Why don’t we have yoghurt? It’s ___________ as good as cream and much healthier, too.

A. each bit B. every part C. each part D. every bit

12. We would ___________ in Cardiff if we hadn’t found someone to buy our previous house.

A. still have lived B. still be living C. live still D. have lived still

13. He denied ___________ the glass window of our classroom.

A. breaking B. to break C. break D. having broken

14. When you reach the fork in the road, you can go ___________. They both lead to the village.

A. either way B. the two ways C. the both ways D. each way

15. It was ___________ pleasure to be working out of doors after five long years locked in a cell.

A. plain B. sheer C. pure D. simple

16. He returned home after a ___________ in New York.

A. weekly holiday B. week’s holiday C. weeks’ holiday D. holiday of a week 17. “ATM” stands for ___________ .

A. automatic talking machine B. automated teller machine

C. automation telling mate D. automobile teller mate

18. You must pay import ___________ on certain goods bought into this country.

A. fees B. surcharges C. supplement D. duties

19. He’s always ___________ the government, but then he never votes in the elections.

A. shooting off B. calling out C. running down D. calling off

20. A defeat in the second round marked the end of the ___________ for last year’s champion.

A. line B. avenue C. street D. road

21. We cannot jugde a person simply on the ___________ of his education.

A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory

22. I doubt ___________ the company will make any profit at all this year.

A. when B. whether C. since D. so that

23. Of course I’ll play the piano at the party but I am a little ___________.

A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of turn D. out of practice

24. All these sweaters are extremely ___________ by the local residents of a small Scottish island.

A. well-knitted B. well-founded C. well-fashioned D. well-made

25. ___________ plants recycle carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which we need to breathe and ___________ most of our food comes from ___________ plants.

A. Ø/Ø/Ø B. The/Ø/ the C. Ø/ the /Ø D. Ø/ a/ the

26. The ___________ on the town - hall clock showed it was nearly midnight.

A. pointers B. hands C. fingers D. indicators

27. Despite all my anxiety, I ___________ for the job I wanted. I’m really going to work hard to justify their confidence.

A. was hired B. hired C. got hiring D. got hired

28. He wanted to know ___________ for a picnic the previous morning.

A. if we had been going B. that if we had been going

C. we were going D. that we were going

29. Of all athletes, Alex is ___________.

A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified

C. the more qualified D. the least qualified

30. He offered to ___________ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.

A. show B. lend C. help D. loan

31. Thanks to my friends' ___________ remarks, my essays have been improved.

A. constructive B. constructional C. constructor D. construct

32. The Olympic Games are given world - ___________ television coverage.

A. wide B. over C. global D. through

33. I’ve just been told some ___________ news.

A. astonishment B. astonishable C. astonishing D. astonished

34. Tom was the last student ___________ .

A. to be interviewed B. had been interviewed

C. to have interviewed D. to interview

35. By the time Peter’s daughter graduates from university, ___________ retired.

A. he B. he has C. he’ll being D. he will have

22 tháng 3 2017

Write your answers in the space provided.

1. It isn’t the funniest film I’ve ever seen. I would say it’s ___________ amusing at best.

A. softly B. mildly C. modestly D. barely

2. When Rita was promoted to sales manager, she was ___________.

A. over the hill B. up in the clouds

C. over the moon D. in the seventh moon

3. My neighbor informed ___________ a large crack running down the outside wall of my house. It had apparently appeared during the night.

A. me that there was B. to me that there was

C. me on there being D. to me of there being

4. The meeting ___________ place in the main hall, but it had to be cancelled.

A. will have taken B. would take

C. was to take D. is due to take

5. There are two supermarkets in the town but ___________ of them sells fresh fish.

A. none B. neither C. no one D. either

6. - “My mother is very good at cooking.” - “___________”

A. She must be very proud of it. B. How long has she been cooking?

C. Do you enjoy it? D. You must have good taste!

7. Finally, we had to ___________ to legal threats.

A. apply B. resort C. intend D. recur

8. ___________ the expression on his face, I’d say he wasn’t too pleased to see us. In fact, I’d say he was furious.

A. Judging by B. As for C. Provided with D. Seeing as

9. - Customer: “Could I have a refund?” - Salesperson: “___________”

A. No, thank you. B. Not at all.

C. No problem. Do you have the receipt? D. Never mind.

10. I bumped into Patrick at the supermarket. He was asking ___________ you.

A. by B. after C. on D. upon

11. Why don’t we have yoghurt? It’s ___________ as good as cream and much healthier, too.

A. each bit B. every part C. each part D. every bit

12. We would ___________ in Cardiff if we hadn’t found someone to buy our previous house.

A. still have lived B. still be living C. live still D. have lived still

13. He denied ___________ the glass window of our classroom.

A. breaking B. to break C. break D. having broken

14. When you reach the fork in the road, you can go ___________. They both lead to the village.

A. either way B. the two ways C. the both ways D. each way

15. It was ___________ pleasure to be working out of doors after five long years locked in a cell.

A. plain B. sheer C. pure D. simple

16. He returned home after a ___________ in New York.

A. weekly holiday B. week’s holiday C. weeks’ holiday D. holiday of a week 17. “ATM” stands for ___________ .

A. automatic talking machine B. automated teller machine

C. automation telling mate D. automobile teller mate

18. You must pay import ___________ on certain goods bought into this country.

A. fees B. surcharges C. supplement D. duties

19. He’s always ___________ the government, but then he never votes in the elections.

A. shooting off B. calling out C. running down D. calling off

20. A defeat in the second round marked the end of the ___________ for last year’s champion.

A. line B. avenue C. street D. road

21. We cannot jugde a person simply on the ___________ of his education.

A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory

22. I doubt ___________ the company will make any profit at all this year.

A. when B. whether C. since D. so that

23. Of course I’ll play the piano at the party but I am a little ___________.

A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of turn D. out of practice

24. All these sweaters are extremely ___________ by the local residents of a small Scottish island.

A. well-knitted B. well-founded C. well-fashioned D. well-made

25. ___________ plants recycle carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which we need to breathe and ___________ most of our food comes from ___________ plants.

A. Ø/Ø/Ø B. The/Ø/ the C. Ø/ the /Ø D. Ø/ a/ the

26. The ___________ on the town - hall clock showed it was nearly midnight.

A. pointers B. hands C. fingers D. indicators

27. Despite all my anxiety, I ___________ for the job I wanted. I’m really going to work hard to justify their confidence.

A. was hired B. hired C. got hiring D. got hired

28. He wanted to know ___________ for a picnic the previous morning.

A. if we had been going B. that if we had been going

C. we were going D. that we were going

29. Of all athletes, Alex is ___________.

A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified

C. the more qualified D. the least qualified

30. He offered to ___________ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.

A. show B. lend C. help D. loan

31. Thanks to my friends' ___________ remarks, my essays have been improved.

A. constructive B. constructional C. constructor D. construct

32. The Olympic Games are given world - ___________ television coverage.

A. wide B. over C. global D. through

33. I’ve just been told some ___________ news.

A. astonishment B. astonishable C. astonishing D. astonished

34. Tom was the last student ___________ .

A. to be interviewed B. had been interviewed

C. to have interviewed D. to interview

35. By the time Peter’s daughter graduates from university, ___________ retired.

A. he B. he has C. he’ll being D. he will have

22 tháng 3 2017

Tuấn Anh Phan Nguyễn, giúp mik với

1. I don’t see any _______ in arriving early at the theater if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock. A. cause B. reason C. aim D. point 2. The new manager’s office has _______ new equipment. A. many B. a lot of C. some of D. a few 3. I don’t _______ to change my job because I like it. A. risk B. intend C. persist D. insist 4. You thought I did wrong but the result _______ my action. A. agreed B. approved C. proved D. justified 5. Thomas has a garden which is _______ mine. A. double...
Đọc tiếp

1. I don’t see any _______ in arriving early at the theater if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock.

A. cause B. reason C. aim D. point

2. The new manager’s office has _______ new equipment.

A. many B. a lot of C. some of D. a few

3. I don’t _______ to change my job because I like it.

A. risk B. intend C. persist D. insist

4. You thought I did wrong but the result _______ my action.

A. agreed B. approved C. proved D. justified

5. Thomas has a garden which is _______ mine.

A. double as large B. semi-larger than C. twice as large as D. as two-time as large

6. _ “What do you think of the film we’ve watched?” _ “____________”A. It’s a breeze! B. No kidding! C. I’ve seen better. D. None of your business!

7. In 1870, _______, John D. Rockefeller and others created the Standard Oil Company.

A. that oil prices fluctuated B. despite fluctuating oil prices C. but the oil prices fluctuated D. oil prices were fluctuating

8. ______ to school by bus.

A. Many a student goes B. Many the students go C. Many of students go D. Much student goes

9. Careless driving also accounts ______ the increasing number of traffic accidents.A. on B. into C. for D. with

10. ______ is not clear to researchers.

A. Why dinosaurs having become extinct B. Why dinosaurs became extinct C. Did dinosaurs become extinct D. Dinosaurs became extinct

11. The new manager is ______ easy-going. He is always very serious about the work.

A. by no means B. by means of C. by all means D. in the mean time

12. We enjoy the hams and coffee at this _______ restaurant.A. family-owning B. family-owned C. owning-family D. owned-family

13. I’d rather ______ to the party with my parents because there was nothing interesting there.

A. haven’t been invited B. hadn’t been invited C. not be invited D. not have been invited

14. When the university suggested _______, the student union protested vigorously.

A. tuition be raised B. to raise tuition C. on raising tuition D. that tuition should raise

15. ______ one after another, parallel computers perform groups of operations at the same time.

A. Conventional computers, by handling tasks B. Since tasks being handled by conventional computers C. Whereas conventional computers handle tasks D. While tasks handled by conventional computers

16. She ______ him of having lied to her.A. threatened B. blamed C. criticized D. accused

17. We have bought extra food _______ our friends stay to have dinner.A. in case B. if C. provided D. as long as

18. Cut this cake into six _______ pieces.A. same B. alike C. like D. equal

19. If only it _______ differently! I had hoped to be acquitted.

A. had been concluded B. were concluded C. had concluded D. concluded

20. I was ______ in the countryside but went to school in HCMC.A. brought up B. taken over C. made up D. put off

21. Most of _______ archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.A. these B. what C. which D. their

22. We couldn’t afford that house because it ________.A. was over my head B. paid through the nose C. cost an arm and a leg D. blew my own trumpet

23. ______ the Christmas shopping season begins.A. That is after Thanksgiving B. After Thanksgiving it is C. It is after Thanksgiving that D. It is Thanksgiving that

24. New York City is America’s largest city, ______ it is not the capital of New York State.A. therefore B. but C. so D. however

25. He promised her an Oxford dictionary, but disappointingly he _______ on his word.A. turned over B. stood up C. went back D. sat down

26. This young music composer is very famous _______ the most influential composer.A. for B. to C. as D. with

27. She came ______ a lot of problems at work.A. up with B. down with C. in for D. up against

28. They take ______ each other like two peas.A. in B. after C. to D. for

29. Didn’t it ever ______ to them that they would be severely punished?A. occur B. happen C. enter D. come

30. If you want to ______ weight, cut down on fat.A. put off B. come down C. take over D. cut off

31. By the time we get out of this traffic jam, all the guests _______ home.A. have gone B. had gone C. will go D. will have gone

32. ______ members of the class has to be responsible for his own actions.A. Each of the B. Every C. None of D. All

33. The teacher _______ them the answer to the question.A. explained B. said C. discussed D. told

34. We met each other at the meeting ______ coincidence.A. by B. in C. for D. to

35. As we’ve been discussing for 2 hours without any solution, I’d like to ______ my own solution to this problem.

A. come up B. bring down C. put forward D. take in

36. The accident resulted ______ some minor injuries.A. to B. from C. in D. of

37. Dave, I really appreciate _______ me. But I think I could manage it myself.

A. you to help B. you helped C. your helping D. that you would help

38. One of the robbers was described by the witnesses _______ tall and about .A. like B. by C. in D. as

39. I left the purse at home. Can you _______ without breakfast today, dear?A. go B. do C. make D. live

40. One of the solutions _______ by environmentalists is to ban vehicles from the city center.

A. are suggested B. is suggested C. suggesting D. suggested

41. While the boss was away, her assistant stood ______ her and helped her solve any problems arising.

A. up to B. in for C. up against D. out of

42. I would like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and _______ in a quite place.A. before all B. above all C. first of all D. after all

43. We could never get ready for the test at such short _______.A. call B. notice C. advice D. note

44. To resist corrosion _______ for today's car to prevent havoc caused by road salts, gravel and other materials.

A. have new coatings been developed B. new coatings developing C. development of new coatings D. new coatings have been developed

45. Some scientists say it is essential that mankind _______ the amount of air pollution in big cities.

A. be reduced B. reduced C. reduce D. will reduce

46. She couldn’t but _____ there crying.A. stood B. standing C. to stand D. stand

47. ______ where to find the key, the boy could not open the safe.

A. Knowing not B. Knew not C. Not knowing D. Didn’t know

48. They received _______ advice from their parents that they became successful.

A. so good B. such a good C. so good an D. such good

49. Computers are said to be _______ for the development of mankind.

A. here to stay B. neither here nor there C. here and there D. here today, gone tomorrow

50. _ “She’s the best pianist in the school.” _ “__________”

A. That’s that. B. Never mind! C. That’s OK! D. You can say that again

5 tháng 9 2019

bạn xem lại nhé mình xem qua thấy sai cx kha khá á

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. As I remember, (1) in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps. Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street. At that time, Hanoians always...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

25 tháng 1 2019

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps. Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street. At that...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) ..... but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) ...... is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) ...... from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) ...... . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) ........ in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps. Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street. At that...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

As I remember, (1) ........ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few motorbikes that were around were (2) ...... by rich people. It was rare to see cars or jeeps.

Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram station is now home (3) ...... several retail outlets that look out over the lake in Dinh Tien Hoang Street.

At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only for its (4) ..... but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it’s terminus in the former Ha Dong Province, (5) ...... is now part of the expanded Ha Noi.

I still remember on (6) ...... from school, my friends and I would go to the lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening, come rain or (7) ...... . Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8) ........ in my mind from my childhood.

1. a. move b. place c. set d. back

2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded

3. a. with b. in c. to d. by

4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition

5. a. that b. which c. where d. this

6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off

7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten

8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

1 my father has gone to can tho .......... business a for b on c by d because 2 tom has had flu for the last three says . he .............. now a has been the doctor b is seeing the doctor c sees the doctor d was seeing the doctor 3 .............. breakfast ? a did you have just b are you just having c have you just had d do you just have 4 i can not hear what you are saying . can you ............... the radio ? a turn down b turn on c turn up d turn off 5 according to the weather...
Đọc tiếp

1 my father has gone to can tho .......... business a for b on c by d because 2 tom has had flu for the last three says . he .............. now a has been the doctor b is seeing the doctor c sees the doctor d was seeing the doctor 3 .............. breakfast ? a did you have just b are you just having c have you just had d do you just have 4 i can not hear what you are saying . can you ............... the radio ? a turn down b turn on c turn up d turn off 5 according to the weather ................ , it will be raining tonight a prediction b information c announcemnet d forecast 6 she applied for the job as a personal manager ................. she liked meeting people a in spite of b because c although d because of 7 ................. they thoughtthe exam had been easy , they all failed a although b even though b though d all are correct 8 people are happy to welcome the new year . they make a lot of ................ a readiness b working c preparation d housework 9 it was ...................... wonderful music that i went straight out and bought the record a so b very c too d such 10 he wrote them three letters ...................... he did not get a reply a so b and c but d that

27 tháng 4 2017

1 my father has gone to can tho .......... business

a for b on c by d because

2 tom has had flu for the last three says . he .............. now

a has been the doctor b is seeing the doctor c sees the doctor d was seeing the doctor

3 .............. breakfast ?

a did you have just b are you just having c have you just had d do you just have

4 i can not hear what you are saying . can you ............... the radio ?

a turn down b turn on c turn up d turn off

5 according to the weather ................ , it will be raining tonight

a prediction b information c announcemnet d forecast

6 she applied for the job as a personal manager ................. she liked meeting people

a in spite of b because c although d because of

7 ................. they thoughtthe exam had been easy , they all failed

a although b even though b though d all are correct

8 people are happy to welcome the new year . they make a lot of ................

a readiness b working c preparation d housework

9 it was ...................... wonderful music that i went straight out and bought the record

a so b very c too d such

10 he wrote them three letters ...................... he did not get a reply

a so b and c but d that

1 my father has gone to can tho .......... business a for b on c by d because 2 tom has had flu for the last three says . he .............. now a has been the doctor b is seeing the doctor c sees the doctor d was seeing the doctor 3 .............. breakfast ? a did you have just b are you just having c have you just had d do you just have 4 i can not hear what you are saying . can you ............... the radio ? a turn down b turn on c turn up d turn off 5 according to the weather ................ , it will be raining tonight a prediction b information c announcemnet d forecast 6 she applied for the job as a personal manager ................. she liked meeting people a in spite of b because c although d because of 7 ................. they thoughtthe exam had been easy , they all failed a although b even though b though d all are correct 8 people are happy to welcome the new year . they make a lot of ................ a readiness b working c preparation d housework 9 it was ...................... wonderful music that i went straight out and bought the record a so b very c too d such 10 he wrote them three letters ...................... he did not get a reply a so b and c but d that