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5 tháng 5 2021

Belief is a spiritual need, and Vietnamese law protects the people's right to freedom of belief. We should practice it properly and not let it dominate the mind or reason in an extreme way. Despite the advances of modern times, many superstitious practices still exist around the world. The belief in supernatural elements has persisted in all cultures throughout history.
So what is superstition? Superstition is believing in ambiguous, bullshit, unsuitable things (belief in divination, enchantment healing ...), leading to negative consequences for individuals, families, and communities. health, time, property, life. We are superstitious because of fear, lack of control in unsafe situations, and this kind of belief helps us feel more secure and confident. Problems arise when people confuse or confuse wholesome beliefs with fanaticism, confusion, blind faith in supernatural forces, make them lose their sanity, act irrationally, and lose money. of, even life.
Freedom of belief is an inseparable part of life, but we must know the line between healthy beliefs and superstitious behavior in order to avoid unpredictable consequences. Besides, the government and people say "no" to the acts of taking advantage of the gullibility of others for self-seeking.

5 tháng 5 2021

Superstition is one of the myths and bogus of some people. Superstitious practitioners are those who have broken the law. Ancestor worship is a sacred thing, but many people take advantage of this to reap their own benefits by distorting the truth, false words, and lack of truth. Superstition, superstition will make human culture degraded and uncultured. It directs people to a life that is not real and causes people to lose money and their health. Superstition also shows the decline and decline of consciousness and virtue of people today. Since then, we must always stay away from practitioners of superstition and superstition and know how to condemn and criticize them.

11 tháng 9 2023

Money could be the thing that almost everyone wants to possess as much as possible because it could help them to solve many problems in life. There is a proverb that goes “Money does not grow on trees”. It is used to warn someone to be careful how much money they spend because there is only a limited amount. In my opinion, this saying is meaningful because of the two following reasons.

First, it requires a lot of effort to earn some money; therefore, money should be spent just on necessary things. For example, to raise a kid, parents have to purchase various stuff and if they do not spend their limited salary, it may not be enough.

Second, the proverb teaches people about financial responsibilities. Besides learning how to earn money, people also need to learn how to spend it wisely. Life always moves on and changes, so people could not know what will happen tomorrow. If they save up, they will be able to manage to live on the rainy days.

The phrase money doesn’t grow on trees is a proverb that stresses the importance and value of hard work and encourages people to make wise spending decisions.

(Tiền có thể là thứ mà hầu như ai cũng muốn sở hữu càng nhiều càng tốt vì nó có thể giúp họ giải quyết nhiều vấn đề trong cuộc sống. Có một câu tục ngữ rằng "Tiền không mọc lên cây". Nó được sử dụng để cảnh báo ai đó hãy cẩn thận với số tiền họ tiêu vì chỉ có một số lượng hạn chế. Theo tôi, câu nói này có ý nghĩa bởi hai lý do sau đây.

Đầu tiên, nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều nỗ lực để kiếm được một số tiền; do đó, tiền chỉ nên được tiêu vào những thứ cần thiết. Ví dụ, để nuôi dạy một đứa trẻ, cha mẹ phải mua sắm nhiều thứ khác nhau và nếu họ không chi tiêu trong số tiền lương hạn hẹp của mình, thì có thể không đủ.

Thứ hai, câu tục ngữ dạy mọi người về trách nhiệm tài chính. Bên cạnh việc học cách kiếm tiền, mọi người cũng cần học cách tiêu tiền một cách khôn ngoan. Cuộc sống luôn vận động và thay đổi nên con người không thể biết trước được ngày mai sẽ ra sao. Nếu tiết kiệm, họ sẽ xoay xở để sống trong những ngày mưa lũ.

Tục ngữ tiền không mọc lên cây là một câu tục ngữ nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng và giá trị của việc làm chăm chỉ, đồng thời khuyến khích mọi người đưa ra quyết định chi tiêu khôn ngoan.)

11 tháng 9 2023

Đáp án: 1. The history of the internet (Lịch sử của Internet)

1 tháng 5 2017

Today i have a toothache, my mom and dad advice me should go to hospital. When i go there, dentist told me to spit out the damaged teeth without it not good for my health. When he worked i was afraid of pain but he very gentle so i don't have toothache anymore. I think he is a skilled person. I am very grateful to him for helping me with no toothache.

Đây là bài mình tự viết. Có j sai sót các bạn chỉnh hộ mình nhé.

22 tháng 4 2018

Humans impact the environment in several ways. Common effects include decreased water quality, increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, depletion of natural resources and contribution to global climate change. Some of these are the direct result of human activities, whereas others are secondary effects that are part of a series of actions and reactions.

Water Pollution

One of the biggest impacts humans have on aquatic systems is excess nutrient inputs. Nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, are essential to the health and survival of aquatic plants and animals. However, humans introduce large quantities of nutrients, primarily through overuse of fertilizers. Too many nutrients can rapidly reduce water quality by causing overgrowth of certain bacteria and algae that use the oxygen necessary for other species to survive. Even more problematic is that these nutrients can be transported downstream to other streams, rivers and bays. Therefore, nutrients can reduce water quality in places far removed from where they were first introduced.

Air Pollution

The majority of air pollution is the result of human activities. For example, increased fossil fuel combustion from motor vehicles, industrial factories and power plants all pump large quantities of air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, ozone and nitrous oxides, into the atmosphere. Other air pollutants, such as lead-based compounds, can lead to serious health effects like cancer, or other types of reproductive effects and birth defects.

Climate Change

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, human activities are largely responsible for an increase in temperature around the globe, primarily due to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. This increase in temperature is leading to changes in where crops can grow and where certain fish or animals can be found, all vital for feeding an increasing human population. The rise in global temperatures is also causing glaciers to melt, releasing water that causes sea levels to rise and threaten coastal communities and economies that rely on coastal resources.


There are several simple things that people can do on a daily basis to minimize their impact on the environment. For example, taking public transportation, biking or walking instead of driving will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Reducing the amount of fertilizer applied to lawns, gardens and vegetables will lessen the likelihood of water pollution nearby, which is also beneficial for drinking water and human health. Using less energy in the home can lessen the amount of pollution put into the air by coal burning power plants. Any activity which reduces water and energy consumption can lead to positive impacts on our environment.